282. Bliss may be far-fetched but happy, adventurous, mature dating can be yours
You’ve probably heard of the sages and gurus who speak of living in bliss. It sounds wonderful. Isn’t that what we want when we’re seeking a partner? – bliss? But that idea may not be too practical in real life.
In my study of spiritual traditions I’ve seen that the word bliss is often confusing. People sometimes think it means living on a constant high. Others think it must mean some sort of spaced-out, trance-like existence. Maybe it’s been a translation issue, but the honest, people of clarity who share spiritual wisdom speak of the happiness that’s our true nature as being simply a problem-free life. As one teacher, John Wheeler, puts it, “Life becomes open, natural and joyous – not necessarily in an overt way.” It’s the simple realization that everything is all right just as it is. And when it changes, as it always will, that’s all right too.
We live in that knowing that life is just fine when we question the beliefs we hold that cause us psychological suffering – in dating and in other aspects of life. When we don’t think we have all the answers and when we realize living is happening through us, our focus on “my way” loses its intensity and we start being happy just with what happens in the moment. The natural intelligence that expresses itself as everything we experience doesn’t have problems and suffering. It’s always only our idea that life should be our way rather than the way it is that makes us suffer.
Do you ever really know what should happen in life? Are you really the small, separate person you think you are, who has to struggle with life? Life is living through us, as us, and when we see that, dating becomes simply an interesting, fun adventure, without problems.
Copyright © 2007 Chuck Custer
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