105. You’re automatically a manipulating machine if you need that person
Have you ever noticed that when we’ve got to have something – anything – we’ve snared ourselves in our own trap? That’s no more obvious than when we feel we have to be with a certain partner. We’re trapped. And in that trap we have to try to manipulate situations to get out of it. So if the person we’re stuck with – in our minds – isn’t the way we want them to be we have to change them. It’s our self-generated illusion but it seems real.
It works like this, and in this order:
1. I need to be with Jane.
2. Jane isn’t the way I want her to be.
3. I need Jane to change so I can be happy.
4. I can only change Jane by manipulating her in some way, which might include being phony-nice, lying, threatening, getting angry, showing jealousy, becoming silent, ranting and raving or lots of other controlling behaviors we all know.
The whole problem starts with a false idea doesn’t it? I need Jane. Is that true? Of course not. By this age most of us have had partners, and even if there’s a deep feeling of loss and ache when a beloved partner dies, we still live don’t we? If we needed our partner we wouldn’t have survived.
When either partner in a relationship is in need, that relationship isn’t going to be happy. The needy partner automatically begins to manipulate and control because there’s so much fear of loss, and at the same time fear of being a victim in the trap they’ve set for themselves. We think we need that partner to do and say certain things so we can be happy. If they don’t march to the tune we’re playing we have to change their music.
When you don’t need to have someone in your life, on the other hand, you’re not compelled to change them. Why would I need to change someone? I’m not stuck with them. I can leave any time I want to. When I’m free to leave I’m also free to stay. So
if I stay to work out issues with a partner that’s a choice. I don’t feel trapped and I have no need to manipulate or change a partner. I’m free and so is my partner – free from the cajoling and forcing and pushing and squeezing I’d be doing if I needed her.
Manipulation isn’t love, no matter how you cut it or what form it takes. It’s always self-centered fear that’s calling the signals when you try to control someone. Isn’t love wanting the other to be free, and wanting for them what they want for themselves? Can force and control and manipulation ever lead to freedom and joy for both of you? If you’re in a needy or jealous relationship watch out. It’ll bite you in the butt for sure!
Copyright © 2006 Chuck Custer