291. When we let thoughts pass dating is easy and problem-free
You probably know that old saying you hear in the bible, “It came to pass.” Well, that’s what thoughts do. They come to pass. That’s their nature. And if you notice that happens sometimes in split seconds, sometimes a bit longer. But every single thought passes very quickly. When they seem to stick around it’s because we’ve nursed them and fed them. Then they build, one on top of the other. You know how it works in dating: “He didn’t call; he should have called; why didn’t he call; maybe he doesn’t care; that’s awfully rude of him; that’s how it always works for me; initially I attract a guy then he gets to know me and disappears.”
Each thought comes to pass quite quickly but it seems to birth another thought, and another and another. It happens because we put the energy of belief into the original thought. But thoughts just show up. They’re not personal. They don’t mean anything. Every thought is recycled; it’s been thought millions of times by others. If we put no belief into a thought it just passes on. It can’t live without energy so it disappears into the Silence and Stillness it came from.
If you want to live happily, simply be in harmony with life as it is. Thoughts will appear and then disappear as another thought replaces it in an instant. But give the thought energy and it builds on itself, one thought at a time until you’ve got a thought-bundle that’s huge and seems so real and believable. Yet it’s all built on myth because the truth is we don’t know why things happen or what will happen next.
Meanwhile all those thoughts we hold on to block the joy and pure simplicity of this moment. How does it feel while you watch a beautiful sunset on a glorious evening while holding the thought, “I wish she were here to enjoy this with me.” Do you notice how that thought, and only that thought, ruins the natural joy of just being?
The entire universe operates perfectly and has for eternity. Why not let it be and live joyfully, trusting Life just as it is? The alternative isn’t much fun and never works because we have no influence anyway.
Copyright © 2007 Chuck Custer
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