Thursday, June 01, 2006

141. "The heart has its reasons which reason cannot know."

Most of us were raised in a culture of the West that almost genuflects to pay homage to the mind and thoughts. We believe we can analyze almost anything if we just give enough attention to it. We try our mightiest to figure everything out. But have you noticed that trusting our brains almost never works when it comes to dating? We figure it all out… and damn! it turns out in a way we never dreamed.

Some of the Eastern cultures see life differently. People in those countries have been more often taught to trust their gut, that intuitive part of them, the spiritual wisdom they just ‘know’. Pascal, the noted French philosopher and mathematical genius once said, "The heart has its reasons which reason cannot know."

When we consider that we’re ‘being thought’ rather than being the thinkers (look and you’ll see you don’t choose your thoughts) we might also get a clue that our great reasoning and analytical abilities may not be so trustworthy. But That which animates us and gives us life is what we could consider the intuitive or gut-knowing part of us. It knows what to do automatically and we can be guided by it if we’re willing to drop what we think we know and just listen.

The message here is simple: If something feels right, even though your head can’t make sense of it, why not relax and go with it? If it feels wrong, listen and back away. That God-essence that we are knows what it’s doing. We can relax and stop worrying about making the right decisions. Then we just do the obvious, and the obvious will show up for us when it’s needed, not a minute too soon nor a minute too late.

Copyright © 2006 Chuck Custer

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